I love good books! I’m reading Anna Karenina right now, just for fun, but I recently finished two of Lee Child’s “Jack Reacher” novels and The Talented Mr. Ripley by Patricia Highsmith. I’ll read Ripley again, as will I AK, but once is enough for a Jack Reacher novel. After AK, I’ll read the next Ripley, and then maybe re-read War and Peace.
I read mysteries and thrillers (and I hate those classifications) for the same reason I read most books: enjoyment. The mysteries I’ve assembled for Toronto Pursuits have the advantage of being very fun reads that are very re-readable. I don’t read them to find out “whodunit”, but to find out something about myself, something about you.

What I also love about the books I’ve picked is that they have inspired great movies. We’ll have the chance to watch them in the afternoons after our discussions, and talk about them, too. Just as the books merit re-reading, so do the movies merit re-viewing. I can’t count the number of times I’ve read and watched John Huston’s film adaptation of Dashiell Hammet’s The Maltese Falcon and Graham Greene’s The Third Man with Orson Wells, Trevor Howard and Joseph Cotten!
If, like me, you love mysteries, if you love having fun reading books that are more than just fun, you’ll love this week in Toronto! Join me!
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