Art and Resistance in WWII Paris and Champagne


This brand-new tour will be a moving and unforgettable journey to an extraordinary moment in French history. Our tour centres on real-life figures and events depicted in Bryn Turnbull’s best-selling novel The Paris Deception. As Nazi forces stole art from Jewish families and others they deemed enemies, they funnelled these stolen works through Paris’s Jeu de Paume museum. From here, thousands of works were sent to Reich-controlled areas, exchanged, or destroyed. But others were saved, and we will explore the stories of the people who saved them.

Two glasses of Champagne in a brasserie
Apéritif in Reims

We are thrilled to have three world-class guides with us on the tour. Bryn will be travelling with our group, sharing her experiences of researching and writing her gripping novel. Novelists Lisa Pasold and Samuél Lopez-Barrantes will guide us through what it was like to be in Paris during WWII. On their custom walks, Lisa and Samuél will share stories of the dangers people faced, the risks they weighed, the acts of courage and cruelty they committed, and the hopes they held on to.

From Paris we will take a short train ride to Champagne, where we will spend a few days exploring the historic towns of Reims and Épernay. Our home will be the truly fabulous Caserne Chanzy, right across from Reims’s stunning cathedral.

The region’s signature beverage needs no introduction, but what is perhaps less known is that Champagne was an especially active area of resistance. Through walking tours and visits to places like the Museum of the Surrender (Musée de la Reddition) in Reims, we’ll get a nuanced understanding of how so many men and women of Champagne fought for freedom. We’ll also take time to enjoy extraordinary medieval and renaissance architecture as well as taste various champagnes.

Our home in Champagne, the elegant Caserne Chanzy


Day 1: Arrive to Paris
Day 2: Atelier du Temps Passé art presentation / Le Marais walk
Day 3: Left Bank (Rive Gauche) walk / Cooking class near the Panthéon
Day 4: Montparnasse walk / Musée de la Libération
Day 5: Place Vendôme, Concorde, & Jeu de Paume / Les Invalides
Day 6: Train to Reims / Free time
Day 7: Reims heritage tour / Pommery and Villa Demoiselle tour and Champagne tasting
Day 8: Reims heritage tour, cont’d / Épernay
Day 9: Drive through Champagne countryside / Pressoria museum & Hautvillers
Day 10: Departure


  • The Paris Deception by Bryn Turnbull
  • Suite française by Irène Némirovsky

Bryn’s page-turning novel The Paris Deception evokes the atmosphere of WWII Paris through the stories of two women, an artist and an art conservator, determined not to be crushed by the Nazi occupation or the personal grief the war has inflicted on them.

Look for full details soon on our tour, led by Classical Pursuits director Melanie Blake with three very special guides: Bryn Turnbull, bestselling author of The Paris Deception; and award-winning author and podcaster Lisa Pasold, creator of Improbable Walks.


The Paris Deception with Bryn Turnbull
September 25, 2024, 7 pm ET
The Berlin Apartment with Bryn Turnbull
December 12, 2024, 7 p.m. ET
It's Complicated: The Friendship of Simone de Beauvoir, Jean-Paul Sartre and Albert Camus
October 7, 2024. 1:00 p.m. ET


Get a detailed itinerary

Paris and Champagne, France

May 15 to 24, 2025


Hôtel Le Littré, Paris; La Caserne Chanzy Hotel and Spa, Reims

12 to 16 participants

Bryn Turnbull is the bestselling author of The Paris Deception and three other historical novels, including the forthcoming The Berlin Apartment. She studied English at McGill University and has an ML in creative writing from the University of St. Andrews.

Lisa Pasold will lead our custom walks. A writer originally from Montreal, she is the host and co-writer of Discovery World’s TV travel show “Paris Next Stop.” Lisa is the creator of “Improbable Walks”, story-telling walks focusing on legends and place memory. She has created these art walks to critical acclaim for festivals and gallery residencies in cities such as New Orleans, Toronto and Paris.

Samuél Lopez-Barrantes is a novelist who lives in Paris, where he has taught creative writing at the Sorbonne, hosts literary salons, and leads historical walks on modernism, existentialism, and the Nazi Occupation of Paris. His second novel, The Requisitions, is a historical metafiction set in Nazi-occupied Poland. His debut, Slim and The Beast is a coming-of-age story set in North Carolina.

Melanie Blake is the director of Classical Pursuits. She led her first tour in France in 2002 and never tires of all l'Hexagone has to offer, in all its complexity. She studied English and French at Fordham University and the Université de Montpellier, and linguistics at the University of Nottingham.

The Paris Deception by Bryn Turnbull and Suite française by Irène Némirovsky

Cost includes guides, readings, accommodation in double occupancy, two meals a day, discussions, ground transportation, walking tours, talks, excursions, admissions, and taxes and gratuities.

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